Here’s what they’re saying
They did a great job and very professional.
Deb B., Phoenix, AZ
Project Type: Residential - Interior
CWS Painting was extremely professional and I am thrilled with the results!
Jessie N., Glendale, AZ
Project Type: Residential - Interior
I would highly recommend using CWS Painting. they were very professional and provided me with an exceptional job painting my residence. Wes is very knowledgable and helpful and went over and above in his service for me which I very much appreciated.
Kim H., Glendale, AZ
Project Type: Residential - Interior
Very professional, great paint work.
Joe P., Phoenix, AZ
Project Type: Residential - Interior
Very friendly and professional. Excellent workmanship.
Jack W., Peoria, AZ
Project Type: Residential - Interior
“I would highly recommend using CWS Painting. They were very professional and provided me with an exceptional job painting my residence. Wes is very knowledgeable and helpful and went over and above in his service for me which I very much appreciate.”
Kim F., Glendale, AZ
Project Type: Residential - Interior
Tell us about your experience
We want to know what you really think about our company. No, this isn’t a joke, we’re being serious. You’re opinion matters to us and we find that the best feedback comes in an open environment. So tell us how you feel!